Who Am I?

Recently I have been thinking a lot about who I am. Sometimes in life you forget that you are multi dimensional and can be trapped in only one aspect of your personality. I have been trying to include some of the other parts of myself into my writing and it has brought up the age old question… WHO AM I?

You think you have answered that question, especially by the time you are 30 years old. But I don’t think I have. I think that question will always be valid because I am always changing and growing and so my personality continues to change and grow with me so therefore it is valid to ask that question to yourself again and again and see what comes up.

I think it is important for all of us to constantly reevaluate who we are. It is important to evaluate yourself and who you are in order to truly understand your life and where you are and where you want to head to.

When you set goals for your life, when you have dreams and aspirations, self evaluation and knowledge is such a key to achieving those things.

If you want to know what it is you are going to do with your life, you first need to know who you are.

So ask yourself today, who am I?

You might be surprised with what answers come up, I bet there are a few new things in there since you last asked yourself that question.


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