The Grief Club

Well I don’t even know how to begin but here I am! It’s currently 3am and I am sitting here by the light of my phone screen my brain racing with thoughts I have tried to ignore all day. Thoughts on life, loss, grief and everything in between.

I lost mum 4 months ago and life has just not been the same, how can it be? Everything changed the day she died and now I’m swimming in the sea of grief. Somedays I swim. Others I float, and some days I drown. It’s a tuff journey this grief thing nothing you do or know or read or understand can really prepare you for what it will be like.

You think you know, you think you are prepared but you are not! Loss is such a huge blow and grief is a a difficult and strange journey. It can be so isolating and you feel so alone but you are not. You are now in a club, the club that no one wanted to join, the club no one wants to talk about (it’s not fight club) it’s the grief club.

So I have decided to start talking about it, I have decided to go public with my grief! Share my story in the hopes that it helps others with theirs. Everyone’s grief is valid and worthy to be recognised. You don’t have to carry this alone. You can join the club, be apart of the community and let’s navigate this grief journey together.

Are you in?